You will get a free dumptruck and your money back. Once you destroy those there will be no tan threat and the villagers should be gone alreadyīuild resource depot, after resource depot is done building move dumptruck away from building and destroy resource depot building. One tan base is located near the villagers escape on the right, and the other is towards the bottom of the map on the left. You must destroy the tan bases after you put up pillboxes and soldiers all around, also put in the super soldiers cheat. Then make a lot of pillbox's around the area where the tan come from. To beat the level without 3 villagers dieing just put in the 500 plastic cheat code and the 2000 plastic code which will give you electricity. All you have to do is free the queen ant in Derailment.(you won't be able to control them but they will attack the tan and show you where the exit is and will leave both of you alone in the next level.)